Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ergonomics I

1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.
One workplace is very crowded, whereas the other one is more comfortable.
2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.
The workplace with the different gadgets are preferred because it makes the user more at ease. The chair is makes things easier to do. It has many functions, enabling the worker to do his work more efficiently.
3. What are the considerations that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user?
The user's height, their weight. Everything should be taken into consideration. Still, the best would be enabling the user to toggle between functions.
4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?
It helps the user to do work better. It also improves their health, their mental health too, not just their physical being.

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