Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)

Describe the product: It's oval. There are three different colours, they have holes in between them. It is used for clipping socks.

What are the design considerations when designing this product?
The size of the finger holes, the size of the holes that clip the socks together.

Would an elderly faced difficulty using this product? If yes, what are the difficulties that the elderly would face?
Yes, he or she might. It might be difficult for them to open up the hole to put in the socks.

What do you think can be done to improve on the design of the product to suit the elderly? (Sketch the improved design in your sketchbook and take a picture of it. Post the improved sketch at the end of your post.)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ergonomics II

1. What is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is a science concerned with ensuring an environment (particularly a work environment) is suited to the people who use it, taking account of individual and general human capabilities and limitations. Ergonomists give consideration to, among other things, the tasks being performed and their demands on workers, the equipment being used (e.g. size, shape and appropriateness) and the information used to support the task (e.g. presentation, accessibility, changeability).

2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?
-Ease of use

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

Safety: Medicine bottles — print sizes could be enlarged so those with impaired vision (due to sinus problems, for example) can more easily read the label instructions. Ergonomics can discover the optimum font style, color and size to enhance readability using the limited space available on a medicine label.

Comfort: Alarm clock display — some displays are harshly bright, drawing one’s eye to the light or keeping one awake when surroundings are dark. Ergonomic principles could redesign this based on contrast principles and include automatic dimming functions in low-light environments (such as when a user has turned off the room lights to sleep).

Ease of use: Street Signs — in an unfamiliar area, it can be quite difficult to spot street signs. This could be addressed by using principles of visual detection to make street signs more visible.

Productivity/Performance: Furniture/equipment — the use of ergonomically designed office furniture and equipment (such as office chairs and computer input devices) can drastically reduce work-related injuries and employee absences.

Aesthetics: Signs in the workplace — signage could be made more aesthetic by using a consistent format throughout the workplace.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ergonomics I

1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.
One workplace is very crowded, whereas the other one is more comfortable.
2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.
The workplace with the different gadgets are preferred because it makes the user more at ease. The chair is makes things easier to do. It has many functions, enabling the worker to do his work more efficiently.
3. What are the considerations that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user?
The user's height, their weight. Everything should be taken into consideration. Still, the best would be enabling the user to toggle between functions.
4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?
It helps the user to do work better. It also improves their health, their mental health too, not just their physical being.